· 即使投喂者出于善意,单纯提供食物而不控制繁殖和疾病,本质上是在“资助生态灾难”。科学管理需平衡动物福利与生态保护,避免将短期情感需求凌驾于长期公共利益之上。
· 即使投喂者出于善意,单纯提供食物而不控制繁殖和疾病,本质上是在“资助生态灾难”。科学管理需平衡动物福利与生态保护,避免将短期情感需求凌驾于长期公共利益之上。
Please make sure to fill in the correct name. Please fill it out carefully. The survey results will affect the holiday services in 2025. Thank you for participating! 请确保填写的姓名正确 请认真填写 调查结果会影响到2025年的假期服务 感谢参与! 感谢您选择我们的服务!Thanks for chossing us!
From youtube.com
From musescore.
Tip: mLadder has been renamed to "Moment Ladder". The Moment Ladder Service received an update this month to coincide with the start of the new semester in September. In response to evolving user habits, we've enhanced the service framework to better meet user needs. Additionally, we've adjusted the pricing structure. User feedback indicates that low latency is more important than high-quality connections. Therefore, we have updated the Hong Kong node. The CN2 network on the Hong Kong node is now available to users. Additionally, we have supported the Online Gaming Boost Service, allowing you to play online games using the Hong Kong node. The “Los Angeles CN2” node has been removed due to high costs and low usage. According to feedback, a high-quality connection to the US seemed unnecessary. These are the complete details of the update from September 2024. We will continue to provide our customers with the best service. If you have any problems, please contact me via WeChat or email.
mLadder has recently undergone a brand upgrade, with all of our nodes completing a change in their domain names. We thank our users for their support. mLadder operates on a semi-nonprofit basis and has been providing network services to many users for over two years, always prioritizing security, cost-effectiveness, and a non-profit mission. mLadder's high-load nodes have an online rate of up to 98%, and the service bandwidth maintains enterprise-level standards. Although its service stability is not the best, within its price range, mLadder leads in security guarantees, connection quality, and meticulous user support. To meet the needs of more people, we predict demand and offer extremely low prices to ensure every penny spent by our users is worth more than its value. Throughout its operation, mLadder has almost never turned a profit. Also, ensuring content is beneficial and legally compliant is a focal point for us. The initial intent behind establishing mLadder was to make it more convenient for users to browse global animal protection websites, watch cultural streaming resources (such as digital concert hall websites), and engage in international exchanges. We strictly avoid any politically sensitive speech and illegal content. In the coming period, mLadder will further optimize its service plans based on user demand and server load, and there may be a series of adjustments. Significant changes will be announced on the website, so please stay tuned.
Today (or perhaps yesterday) marks the bicentennial of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. I made it a point to listen to the 2024 BPO's new album and, compared to recordings from fifty years ago, one can clearly perceive the advancements in recording technology. This is particularly evident in the delicate articulation of the lower-pitched instruments in vocal blends, as well as in the timpani rhythms during ensemble pieces. Here is the recording: https://music.apple.com/album/beethoven-symphony-no-9/1743975340
This is my personal space where I keep track of events, share my thoughts, and offer some tips. I'll write most of my posts in English, but some will be in Chinese because of my language skills. I don’t have much spare time, so my posts will be short, only sharing the things I think are most interesting or important. I'm not great with web tech, so there might be mistakes in what I post. If something's not right, please tell me by leaving a comment or sending an email. I'll listen to what you say. The website has been testing for six months and is now up and running for real. Hope you like my blog and keep coming back. Thanks!